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- Implication of melanogenic factors in a variety of diseases-

 皮膚や毛のメラニン合成は紫外線防御において重要な役割を果たしております。このメラニン合成制御においてcAMPは主要なシグナル伝達分子として機能しており、多くの転写因子やメラニン合成・輸送因子の機能を修飾しております。一方でメラニン合成・輸送因子の調節異常は他の疾患と結び付くことも多々あります。例えば、マウスでは毛色と食欲が同一のホルモンMSH(メラノサイト刺激ホルモン)で調節されており、MSHシグナル不全は細胞内cAMP濃度の低下を来します。この状態で、メラノサイトではメラニン合成抑制が起こり、マウスの毛色は薄くなります。一方、脳の摂食中枢では摂食抑制不全により過食となり肥満を誘導します。我々は毛色が薄い突然変異マウスを分離し、その原因がHps5 (Hermansky–Pudlak syndrome 5)の遺伝子欠損であることを見出しました。HPS5はメラニン輸送小胞等の細胞内移送に関わる因子で、免疫系にも異常が示唆されています。事実、このHps5異常マウスは炎症性腸疾患を発症し易くなっておりました。



              Melanogenesis in melanocytes in the skin and hair papilla plays an important role in the protection of the skin from damages caused by ultra-violet light. The cAMP is the critical signaling molecule in the regulation of melanogenesis in which a variety of factors are working, e.g., transcription factors and transporters for melanin-containing vesicles. In this melanogenic signaling, dysregulation of some factors often causes other diseases. For example, melanogenesis and appetite are commonly regulated by the same hormone, MSH (melanocyte stimulating hormone) in mice, and dysfunction of MHS signaling results in a fall of the intracellular cAMP level. The low level of cAMP causes hypopigmentation in melanocytes and enhanced appetite-signals in the hypothalamic feeding center, which makes yellow obese mice. We found new hypopigmented mice in our mouse population and identified a new mutation in the Hps5 (Hermansky–Pudlak syndrome 5) gene, which was responsible for the hypopigmented phenotype. HPS5 protein regulates vesicle transport including melanosomes, and its involvement in immune responses has been reported. In fact, our Hps5 mutant mice show phenotypes that are susceptible to bacterial infection and to inflammatory bowel disease, IBD.







Melanosomal localization is required for GIF-2115/2250 to inhibit melanogenesis in B16F10 melanoma cells 

Ayumi Sakurai, Kyoka Kawaguchi, Miyu Watanabe, Sayaka Okajima, Saho Furukawa, Kenichi Koga, Kentaro Oh-Hashi, Yoko Hirata, Kyoji Furuta, Hiroshi Takemori

IntJ Cosmetic Sci 2024 in press



ウスHPS5変異体                                                                              ヒトHPS5変異














New Deletions in the Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome Type 5 Gene in a Japanese Patient

Kato S, Aoe T, Hamamoto A, Takemori H, Nishikubo T 

Reports 2019, 2: 15

Simple chronic colitis model using hypopigmented mice with a Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 5 gene mutation

Itoh Y, Nagaoka Y, Katakura Y, Kawahara H, Takemori H.

Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 2016 29: 578-582



 In addition, using Zebra Fish, we prepared a new model of leukoderma. Rhododendrol induces melanocyte toxicity, which causes peel-off of melanocytes.

Zebrafish as a new model for rhododendrol-induced leukoderma

Hayazaki MHatano OShimabayashi SAkiyama TTakemori HHamamoto A.

Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 2021  34: 1029-1038


 In addition, we are investigating the pathogenesis of diarrhea in a mouse model of diarrhea induced by the type 2 diabetes drug metformin. Metformin promotes melanin synthesis in cultured cells. On the other hand, 20% of patients suffer from diarrhea.



Increased expression of glucagon-like peptide-1 and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator in the ileum and colon in mouse treated with metformin

Momoka Mizoguchi, Hiroshi Takemori, Saho Furukawa, Masafumi Ito, Mutsumi Asai, Hirofumi Morino, Takanori Miura, Daisuke Yabe, Takashi Shibata

Endocr J​ 2023 in press

Mouse model of metformin-induced diarrhea

Hiroshi Takemori, Akie Hamamoto, Kenta Isogawa, Masafumi Ito, Masanori Takagi, Hirofumi Morino, Takanori Miura, Kyoichi Oshida, Takashi Shibata

BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2020;8:e000898.

HPS5 mouse.jpg

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