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-Discovery and development of bioactive compounds-


     We are characterizing phenotypes of SIK (Salt-Inducible Kinase) knock-out mice as animal models with impaired glucose and lipid metabolism. Along with this in vivo analysis, we are developing methods to monitor mitochondrial biogenesis for drug screening systems, which could also provide new measures to evaluate the differentiation status of iPS cells (induced Pluripotent Stem cells) and neuronal activities. In addition, using this knowledge and a library of natural products, we have identified new compounds that regulate cellular functions, such as cell differentiation of melanocytes, chondrocytes, and immune cells, thus providing candidates for new materials for cosmetics as well as drugs.


11α-OH Kaurenoic acid (ent-11α-Hydroxy-15-oxo-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid: 11αOH-KA): ヌマダイコン(キク科の絶滅危惧種)やアマクサシダ(絶滅危惧種)などの希少植物に含まれる成分です。強力なメラニン合成抑制作用を有します。一方、安定性が高く、細胞毒性やヒト皮膚への刺激性も観察されないことから、食品・化粧品などへの応用が期待されます。

 ヌマダイコン(別名:下田菊・麻芝糊・風気草・Adenostemma lavenia)は、中国・台湾では坑炎症の生薬として利用されております。ヌマダイコンの葉は11αOH-KAを大量に含有しており (乾燥葉の2.5%)、この大量含有がヌマダイコンの薬効本体と予想されます。これまでにアマクサシダ近縁種から精製した11αOH-KAでも創薬用途が提案されておりますが、ヌマダイコンの利用でより創薬提案が拡がるものと期待されます。


   The kaurenoic acid, 11αOH-KA, found in Adenostemma lavenia (Asteraceae)

and Pteris dispar Kunze (fern) is a potent anti-melanogenic compound.

11αOH-KA is highly stable and shows neither cytotoxicity nor irritant properties

in the human skin, promising cosmetic applications for skin whitening as foods

and cosmetics.A. lavenia contains a high amount of 11αOH-KA (2.5% of dried

leaves), and it may be responsible for most bioactivities of this plant. A. lavenia

(Ma Zi Hu)is now available as a supplement in USA for an anti-inflammatory

medical herb.When young (3W-old) mice with black hair take A. lavenia water

extract as a kind of tea, their hair color change to brown, which is not observed

in aged mice (after 4W-old), suggesting a presence of a sensitive period for the

hair color determination.

Adenostemmoic acid B suppresses NO production by downregulating the expression and inhibiting the enzymatic activity of iNOS

Kobayashi T, Tanaka N,Suzuki M, Maeda M,  Batubara I Iswantini D, Koketsu M, Hamamoto A, Takemori H

Phytochem Lett. 2022 49:  131-137

Diversity of Adenostemma lavenia, multi-potential herbs, and its kaurenoic acid composition between Japan and Taiwan

Maeda M, Suzuki M, Fuchino H, Tanaka N, Kobayashi T, Isogai R, Batubara I Iswantini D, Matsuno M, Kawahara N, Koketsu M, Hamamoto A, Takemori H

Journal of Natural Medicines 2022 76: 132-143 doi: 10.1007/s11418-021-01565-3

Anti-aging effect of active fractions and ent-11α-hydroxy-15-oxo-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid isolated from Adenostemma lavenia (L.) O. Kuntze at the cellular level

Batubara I, Astuti IR, Prastya ER, Ilmiawati A, Maeda M, Suzuki M, Hamamoto A, Takemori H

Antioxidants 2020, 9: 719

The High Content of Ent-11α-hydroxy-15-oxo-kaur- 16-en-19-oic Acid in Adenostemma lavenia (L.) O. Kuntze Leaf Extract

Hamamoto A,  Isogai R, Maeda M, Hayazaki M, Horiyama E, Takashima S, Koketsu M, Takemori H

Foods 2020 9: 73

Importance of 11α-OH, 15-oxo, and 16-en moieties of 11α-Hydroxy-15-oxo-kaur- 16-en-19-oic acid in its inhibitory activity on melanogenesis

Kuroi A, Sugimura K, Kumagai A, Kohara A, Nagaoka Y, Kawahara H, Yamahara M, Kawahara N, Takemori H, Fuchino H

Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2017 30: 205-215

特願2019-110774 「メラニン生成抑制剤、及びメラニン産生抑制剤の製造方法」 

竹森 洋、濱本明恵、纐纈 守 



竹森 洋、熊谷彩子、賀川舞、伊東祐美、川原信夫、渕野裕之、杉村康司、黒井梓(独立行政法人医薬基盤研究所、株式会社桃谷順天館)


GIF-2209: (E)-3-(4-(trifluoromethoxy)benzylidene)indolin-2-oneメラニン合成促進及びメラノソーム分泌促進作用を有する化合物です。細胞内の不要物分解(新陳代謝)の促進に作用することが期待されます。リソソーム活性化作用もありそうです。 メラニン合成酵素TYRとエクソソームマーカーCD63のタンパク発現を亢進させるものの、他のメラニン合成酵素TYRP-1の発現は低下させます。これは、メラノソーム放出が促進して細胞内の酵素量バラスが崩れているためと予想します。

GIF-2209 has multiple effects on melanogenesis,

transcriptional regulation, lysosome modification,

and melanosome secretion. In addition, GIF-2209

induced intracellular segregation of tyrosinase-

containing vesicles from TYRP-1 vesicles.

However, this could be caused by an imbalance

between the supply of tyrosinase protein and

the excretion of TYRP-1 protein





GIF-2209, an Oxindole Derivative, Accelerates Melanogenesis and Melanosome Secretion via the Modification of Lysosomes in B16F10 Mouse Melanoma Cells

Watanabe M, Kawaguchi K, Nakamura Y, Furuta K, Takemori H

Molecules 2022 27: 177


4-[(5E)-5-[(4-fluorophenyl)methylidene]-4-oxo-2-sulfanylidene-1,3-thiazolidin-3-yl]-4-azatricyclo [²,⁶]dec-8-ene-3,5-dione: 4-OST/GIF-2202)チアゾリジン誘導体でメラニン合成を抑制します。その作用機序は細胞内輸送システムの修飾で、メラニ合成酵素Tyrosinaseをリソソーム分解へと誘導します。この際、他のメラニン合成酵素(TRYP1/2)は影響を受けません。

   4-OST strongly inhibits melanogenesis in mouse melanoma

B16F10 cells. 4-OST reduces tyrosinase protein levels without

affecting its mRNA levels or enzymatic activity. Although a

reduction in tyrosinase protein level was observed in the

presence of a protein synthesis inhibitor, the reduction may

be coupled with protein synthesis. Similarly, GIF-2202 (a

derivative of 4-OST) lowers tyrosinase protein levels without

affecting the levels of another melanogenic enzyme,

tyrosinase-related protein 1 (TYRP1) level.



Thioxothiazolidin Derivative, 4-OST, Inhibits Melanogenesis by Enhancing the Specific Recruitment of Tyrosinase-containing Vesicles to Lysosome 

Isogawa K, Asano M, Hayazaki M, Koga K, Watanabe M, Suzuki K, Kobayashi T, Kawaguchi K, Ishizuka A, Kato S, Ito H, Hamamoto A, Koyama H, Furuta K, Takemori H

Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 2021 122: 667-678

T4FAT (5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-4H-furo[3,2-c]azepine-4-thione): メラニンは紫外線照射から皮膚を保護するための重要な色素です。しかし、過剰なメラニン沈着はしみ・そばかすなどの原因ともなります。チロシナーゼはメラニン生合成における律速酵素であり、その活性に銅イオン(Cu2+)を要求します。この度、チオアミド構造を有する化合物T4FATがメラニン産生を阻害することを見出しました。T4FATは銅イオンをキレートすることで、チロシナーゼを阻害します。また、銅イオン依存的な酵素活性がチロシナーゼタンパク質の生成(タンパクの正確な折り畳み)にも関与していました。これらの発見は、新たな美白化粧品の創製に役立つ情報を供給してくれます。

    Melanin plays an important role in the protection of the skin from

ultraviolet irradiation; however, excessive melanin deposition leads

to hyperpigmentation and freckles, which are recognized as skin

problems. Tyrosinase, a copper-containing protein, is the rate-limiting

enzyme in melanin biosynthesis. To assist the proper regulation of

melanin production, we screened compounds and found that T4FAT,

a thioamide derivative, inhibited melanogenesis in B16F10 mouse

melanoma cells. As copper binding to the tyrosinase protein is required

for enzymatic activity, correct folding, and maturation, we examined

the metal-chelating activities of T4FAT. Equimolar amount of T4FAT

resulted in almost complete chelation of copper ions. These results

suggested that T4FAT, a novel copper chelator, may be helpful for the

development of new cosmetics for skin whitening.



Azepine derivative T4FAT, a new copper chelator, inhibits tyrosinase.

Okajima S, Hamamoto A, Asano M, Isogawa K, Ito H, Kato S, Hirata Y, Furuta K, Takemori H

Biochem Biophys Res Commun. , 2019; 509: 209-215 


4’-O-Methylfisetin: SIK2阻害剤作用を有する人工フラボノイドで、毛根メラノサイトでメラニン合成を促進します。フィセチンはマウス体内で4’-メトキシフィセチンに変換され、マウスの毛色を濃くします。同様な作用はマウスが高濃度のダイオスメチン(他の4’-メトキシフラボノイド)を食した時にも観察されます。一方、4’がメチル化されていないケルセチンでは観察されません。

     A SIK2 inhibitor which enhances melanin production in

hair follicle melanocytes. Fisetin is converted to 4’-O-methoxy

fisetin in mice and stimulates melanogensis in hair follicle

melanocytes, which produces darker hairs. Similar hair color

change is observed, when mice are fed with a high dose of

diosmetin, other 4’-methoxyflavonoid. In contrast, quercetin,

not having the methyl group at the 4’-position, fails to promote







Downregulation of SIK2 expression promotes the melanogenic program in mice.

Horike N, Kumagai A, Shimono Y, Onishi T, Itoh Y, Sasaki T, Kitagawa K, Hatano O, Takagi H, Susumu T, Teraoka H, Kusano K, Nagaoka Y, Kawahara H, Takemori H.

Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 2010 23:809-819


A potent inhibitor of SIK2, 3, 3', 7-trihydroxy-4'-methoxyflavon (4'-O-methylfisetin), promotes melanogenesis in B16F10 melanoma cells.

Kumagai A, Horike N, Satoh Y, Uebi T, Sasaki T, Itoh Y, Hirata Y, Uchio-Yamada K, Kitagawa K, Uesato S, Kawahara H, Takemori H, Nagaoka Y.

PLoS One. 2011;6(10):e26148



長岡康夫、熊谷彩子、堀家なな緒、竹森 洋、堀部一平、小畑勝義 (国立研究開発法人医薬基盤・健康・栄養研究所、中野製薬株式会社)


Pterosin B: SIK3シグナル阻害剤作用を有するワラビ成分です。SIK3が促進する軟骨の肥大化(細胞死)を抑制し、軟骨細胞の増殖を促進させる作用を有します。半月板損傷モデルマウスの関節軟骨の保護にも役立つことから、変形性膝関節症(ロコモ-運動器症候群)にも有用と期待されます。同時にミトコンドリアでの呼吸に必要なCoQ10の酸化還元サイクルを抑制し、肝臓での糖新生を抑制することで血糖値を低下させます。

    A SIK3 signal inhibitor, an ingredient in Pteridium

aquilinum,promotes chondrocytes proliferation by

preventing their hypertrophy (cell death). Pteorsin B

protect knee cartilage in a mouse model fomeniscal

injury. Pteorsin B also inhibits the redox-oxidative

cycle of CoQ10 in mitochondria, which decreases

blood glucose levels by suppressing hepatic







Salt-inducible Kinase 3 Signaling Is Important for the Gluconeogenic Programs in Mouse Hepatocytes.

Itoh Y, Sanosaka M, Fuchino H, Yahara Y, Kumagai A, Takemoto D, Kagawa M, Doi J, Ohta M, Tsumaki N, Kawahara N, Takemori H.

J Biol Chem. 2015 290:17879-17893


Pterosin B prevents chondrocyte hypertrophy and osteoarthritis in mice by inhibiting Sik3.

Yahara Y, Takemori H, Okada M, Kosai A, Yamashita A, Kobayashi T, Fujita K, Itoh Y, Nakamura M, Fuchino H, Kawahara N, Fukui N, Watanabe A, Kimura T, Tsumaki N.

Nat Commun. 2016 7:10959


Pterosin B has multiple targets in gluconeogenic programs, including coenzyme Q in RORα-SRC2 signaling.

Itoh Y, Fuchino H, Sanosaka M, Kako K, Hada K, Fukamizu A, Takemori H, Kawahara N.

Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2016 473:415-420



妻木範行、竹森 洋、渕野裕之、川原信夫(国立大学法人京都大学、独立行政法人医薬基盤研究所)登録2016年1月22日



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